Spring Boot and OAuth2 client refresh token grant

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I want to configure spring boot with oauth2 to work in the flow Refresh token grant. All I need is to send request with grant type set as "refresh_token" and with field refresh token, where I want to put my token. In response I receive access token.

For the flow Resource owner credentials grant, I had such configuration:

public class AuthConfig {
    private String clientId;
    private String clientSecret;
    private String tokenUrl;
    private String grantType;
    private String refreshToken;
    private String username;
    private String password;

    public OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resourceDetails() {
        ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resource = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();
        return resource;

    private OAuth2ClientContext oauth2Context;

    public OAuth2RestTemplate oauth2RestTemplate(
        OAuth2ClientContext oauth2Context, OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails details
        return new OAuth2RestTemplate(details, oauth2Context);

Is it possible to build OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails with refresh token and without username and password?

I'm newbie in SpringBoot but I read a lot of topics and I can't find the answer.


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