Spring Boot and dynamic compilation in Chronicle Wire

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Referring to the title above. To get Chronicle wire dynamic compilation to work with springboot, it requires you to unpack chronicle jars unto a temp directory so that the platform compiler can see classes from the fat JAR. Referring to the docs here it can be achieved by using requiresUnpack in bootJar task like below

requiresUnpack( "**/chronicle-*.jar")

After deploying the application. I have confirmed that the relevant jars are extracted to the temp directory as pictured below

enter image description here

However, I am still getting warnings with the generated code for method reader and writers:

Failed to compile generated method reader - falling back to proxy method reader. Please report this failure as support for proxy method readers will be dropped in x.25

Only when I run the project with the generated code will the warnings disappear.

My question is why do I still have to manually copy the generated code to make it work?

Gradle bootJar task:

enter image description here


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Jerry Shea On