Splunk Dashboard Query To Retrieve & Count List of Items

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I'm a complete Splunk newbie and have a log statement that logs a List<String> of ID's from my Java application i.e.

log.info("ID's are {}", idList); 

Using the Splunk Enterprise Dashboard, i want to display a Single Value as a count which would represent the total number of entries in the list and also display the list of ID's in a separate table view.

Using the Search with SPL option in the Dashboard, i get one row using the following:

sourceType="cf:logmessage" AND cf_app_name=my_app 
| regex msg="MyClass.ID's are"
| stats sum(linecount) as Total

The question is, how do I access the idList to iterate it to count the total number of items and also print each item from the list in a separate table view?


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