I am implementing a command shell using cmd2, and I wanted to setup a few commands that allows a user to type in objects in json syntax. I thought this would be easy to do with argparse, but I am getting caught up how to parse and present the string to argparse. I am also open to using another module.
I have been looking at attempting to use regex to extract the json, but I am not seeing a straightforward method.
First, here is an example using a command line utility:
import argparse
import json
import re
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', type=json.loads)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
python testparse.py -n device -f '{"comment": "foo space bar"}'
Namespace(filter={u'comment': u'foo space bar'}, name='device')
And then using cmd2:
import argparse
from cmd2 import Cmd
import json
class App(Cmd):
# customized attributes and methods here
def do_example(self, arg):
print(arg.parsed.dump() + '\n')
argString = arg.parsed.args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', type=json.loads)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str)
# split works when there are no spaces
args = parser.parse_args(argString.split())
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
# split() works with no spaces
app.onecmd('example -n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}')
# it does not work with spaces in your json data, both
# formats below have similar failures
app.onecmd('example -n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}')
# app.onecmd("""example -n devices -f '{"comment":"foo space bar"}'""")
['example', '-n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}']
- args: '-n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}'
- command: 'example'
- raw: 'example -n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}'
- statement: ['example', '-n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}']
- args: '-n devices -f {"comment":"foobar"}'
- command: 'example'
Namespace(filter={u'comment': u'foobar'}, name='devices')
['example', '-n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}']
- args: '-n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}'
- command: 'example'
- raw: 'example -n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}'
- statement: ['example', '-n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}']
- args: '-n devices -f {"comment":"foo space bar"}'
- command: 'example'
usage: testparse2.py [-h] [-f FILTER] [-n NAME]
testparse2.py: error: argument -f/--filter: invalid loads value: '{"comment":"foo'