How can I do spell checking and/or spell correction in a Java application?
Spell check and/or spell correction in Java
18.7k views Asked by Ronaldinho Learn Coding At
There are 6 answers

A good offline solution is Jazzy. Try this example and download the dictionary.
Here's the Maven dependency for library:

If you want a simple and offline solution, based on Peter Norvig explanation of Google spell corrector, take a look here:

Try Hunspell. It is a standard for spell check. You can use Java port of Hunspell which is Hunspell-c+ JNA
Google's Spell Checker
It's much like when you use Gmail or Google services (like or search) that gives you alternate suggestion if you have a typo.
Haven't tried though.
Google might have started charging for this. I do not have time to code to check this. Someone can confirm. As far as Google is concerned, it seems that they have deprecated the old API for new and paid one.
Refer: Google Translate API FAQ