Spek tests not being run in a maven Java project

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I have an existing Java project in which I wish to introduce some Spec tests (in kotlin ofc)

class CalcSpec: Spek({
    given("A calculator") {
        val calculator = Calculator()
        on("Adding 3 and 5") {
            val result = calculator.sum(3, 5)
            it("Produces 8") {
                org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals(8, result)

I have added the spek dependencies



And configured the kotlin-maven-plugin and maven-compiler-plugin as descibed here https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/using-maven.html#compiling-kotlin-and-java-sources
(ommiting the maven-compiler-plugin config from the question)

                    <goals> <goal>test-compile</goal> </goals>


I have tried different versions of kotlin, spek, and the surefire plugin but with no luck until now.

Every time I try to run the tests no Spek tests are being executed, even though they are in target/test-classes. (for the CalcSpec there are 5 .class files generated)


There are 1 answers


I know you've said that you have tried different versions but try surefire 2.19 and Junit-platform 1.1.0-M2.

I had this same issue a while ago, and those worked for me.