Speeding up Solr Search By Split

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Hi i am looking to Speed up Solr searching. To speed up the search, i am looking to split the search data.

My Site: dating website has 1 million profiles 400k male and 600k female.

 <entity name="Boys">
 <entity name="Girls">

When I search using below query, then it will search in a million records. A boy can search only girls, and a girl can search only boys. Is there any way to search limited records as this will faster our search.

 solr/select?q=*:*&fq=some search

There are 1 answers

Abhijit Bashetti On


I have done the same thing using the core feature of solr.(version 3.3)

Which divides your index and restricts to a core only.

e.g I have 10 projects so I have created 10 cores and when I have to search for a specific project I send a request for that core only.

In your case you can create 2 core boys and girls.

Where in a boy logs in you can send a request to girl core and vice-versa.

so your search request would be
