Speed up b-tree

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I wrote a simple implementation of a b-tree, and the problem is that it is too slow (tl9 on codeforces). What should i change to speed up this tree?

The memory limit problem can be easily fixed by increasing the constant b, but then there are time limit problems.

    class BtreeSimple
        public Bnode root = new Bnode(true);
        private static int counter;
        public void Add(int key)
            var (overkey, overflow, overvalue) = root.Insert(key, counter);
            if (overflow == null)
            root = new Bnode(false) {Count = 1, Keys = {[0] = overkey}, Vals = {[0] = overvalue}, Kids = {[0] = root, [1] = overflow}};
    class Bnode
        const int b = 16;
        public int Count;
        public int[] Keys = new int[2 * b + 1];
        public Bnode[] Kids;
        public Bnode(bool leaf) => Kids = leaf ? null : new Bnode[2 * b + 2];
        public int[] Vals = new int[2 * b + 1];
        public (int, Bnode, int) Insert(int key, int value)
            var i = GetKeyPosition(key);
            if (Kids == null) return InsertAt(i, key, null, value);
            var (overkey, overflow, overvalue) = Kids[i].Insert(key, value);
            return overflow == null ? (0, null, 0) : InsertAt(i, overkey, overflow, overvalue);
        private int GetKeyPosition(int key)
            var i = 0;
            while (i < Count && Keys[i] < key)
            return i;
        private (int, Bnode, int) InsertAt(int i, int key, Bnode keyNode, int value)
            Array.Copy(Keys, i, Keys, i + 1, Count - i);
            Keys[i] = key;
            Vals[i] = value;
            if (keyNode != null)
                Array.Copy(Kids, i + 1, Kids, i + 2, Count - i);
                Kids[i + 1] = keyNode;
            return ++Count <= 2 * b ? (0, null, 0) : Split();
        private (int, Bnode, int) Split()
            var split = new Bnode(Kids == null) { Count = b };
            Array.Copy(Keys, b + 1, split.Keys, 0, b);
            Array.Copy(Vals, b + 1, split.Vals, 0, b);
            if (Kids != null)
                Array.Copy(Kids, b + 1, split.Kids, 0, b + 1);
            Count = b;
            return (Keys[b], split, Vals[b]);
        public int FindNearest(int key)
            var i = GetKeyPosition(key);
            if (Keys[i] == key)
                return Vals[i];
            if (Kids != null)
                return Kids[i].FindNearest(key);
            if (i >= Count)
                return Vals[i - 1]+1;
            if (Keys[i] < key)
                return Vals[i] + 1;
            return Vals[i];

We have a sorted array (for example arr = [8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20]) and keys (for example keys = [7, 10, 21, 20]). The task is to tell how many keys from arr are less than keys[i] for each i. For this purpose I made a methdod "FindNearest". Everything else in the code is just pure b-tree.


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