I recently created a Grid Engine cluster on Compute Engine using Elasticluster (http://googlegenomics.readthedocs.org/en/latest/use_cases/setup_gridengine_cluster_on_compute_engine/index.html).
I was wondering what is the appropriate command to run shared-memory multithreaded batch jobs on a cluster of Compute Engine virtual machine running Grid Engine.
In other words, what is the name (i.e. pe_name) of the Grid Engine parallel environment.
Let's say I want to run a job requesting 4 cpus on 1 node, what would be the right qsub command.
So far I tried the following command:
qsub -cwd -l h_vmem=800G -pe smp 6 run.sh Unable to run job: job rejected: the requested parallel environment "smp" does not exist.
qsub -cwd -l h_vmem=800G -pe omp 6 run.sh Unable to run job: job rejected: the requested parallel environment "omp" does not exist.
Thank you for your help!
I don't believe that Elasticluster's Ansible playbook includes a parallel environment. You can see the main configuration run on the master here:
I believe you can simply connect to the master and issue the "add parallele environment" command:
$ qconf -ap smp
and write a configuration file like:
and then modify the queue configuration for all.q:
$ qconf -mq all.q
I would also suggest filing an issue with Elasticluster here:
I would expect that someone has already done this in a fork of Elasticluster and may be able to provide a pull request to the master fork.
Hope that helps.