I'm working with Spec-flow for quite some days. I am facing "Multiple matching found.Navigating to first match", while Debugging this can be solved, but when I'm running the entire solution Its failing because of Ambiguity in bindings. I'm running around 4 C sharp class files in a Single project
Feature: ConversionUnencrypted Pdf-Pdf
Scenario Outline: ConversionUnencrypted Pdf-Pdf
Given I get Inputs Folder and list of Files <inputFolder> then <getInputTokens>(Multiple bindings for this line)
Given I get <outputDirectory>
Given I set saving Mode <ConversionMode>
Given I convert pdf using Conversion
Given I convert to Image <convertToFile>
Then I compare Images <getActualImagePath> and <getExpectedImagePath> and <pageCount>
and the step definitions:
**Binding for Multiple steps is the below binding:**
First binding:
[Given(@"I get Inputs Folder and list of Files (.*) then (.*)")]
public void GivenIGetInputsFolderAndListOfFilesThen(string getInputFolder, string getInputTokens)
Second binding:
[Given(@"I get (.*)")]
public void GivenIGet(string getOutputDirectory)
Second binding modified to:
Given I set OutputDirectory of Pdf <outputDirectory>
public void Given_I_set_OutputDirectory_of_Pdf_P0(string p0)
This one is also not helping me either. Have tried Regex too still could not resolve the Issue. There is a Ambiguity in the above mentioned 2 Bindings. Its not just in one feature its observed other Features file too. How can this be solved so that each line matches exactly to one Binding ?
As @perfectionist has pointed out your problem is with your regexes. One is consuming all of the chars for both. Try this instead:
and the step definitions:
This regex will match only when the input doesn't contain a
character so will prevent the second method being too greedy when consuming the input and matching the longer method.As a general rule I prefer to wrap string characters in single quotes like above in the scenario, as it makes issues like this slightly easier to mitigate
Obviously the above will only work if your inputs
'<inputFolder>','<getInputTokens>' and <outputFolder>
do not contain any'
characters. If they do then you may need a more complicated regex