I want to connect speaker output to mic input on Android phone without using any physical cable. Such routing should be transparent to all apps. With this function I can design a bunch of interesting apps, e.g., measuring round-trip delay of a voip call, automatically replying to an incoming call etc.
Some similar questions can be found here:
Outputting audio stream into microphone
It seems that there is no solution on Android right now, but the tool JACK running on Linux is the closet one. Can someone provide me some scripts or codes to create a JACK client that realizes this (speaker -> mic) on Linux? And how hard would it be to port JACK server and client to Android?
Getting Jack on Linux to connect the mic to the speakers:
As far as porting Jack to Android goes, you might take a look at this, which basically seems to indicate that Android isn't able to handle the low-latency requirements of Jack (which might also cause you problems in trying to do latency measurements). You could also look at this and this, which might offer an alternative way to do what you're trying to do (I'm not sure where it stands regarding the latency issues, also, I've never used either PD or libpd myself).