SPARQL Blank node skolemization with incremental Variable

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I am trying to execute Blank node skolemization on a graph using an incremental variable for the identifier, however, the urn:count object is not being updated.

I have the following code so far.

PREFIX :    <>
PREFIX owl: <>

# Create Counter Graph #

    graph <urn:counters> {<urn:Example> <urn:count> 1 }

# Rewrite objects #

    #remove the old value of the counter
    graph <urn:counters> {<urn:Example> <urn:count> ?old}
  ?s ?p ?bnode .
    #update the new value of the counter
    graph <urn:counters> {<urn:Example> <urn:count> ?new}
  ?s ?p ?iri .
  GRAPH :aliases {
    ?bnode owl:sameAs ?iri .
    SELECT ?bnode ?iri ?new ?old
    WHERE {

        SELECT DISTINCT ?bnode
        WHERE {
          [] ?p ?bnode .
          FILTER isBlank(?bnode)
                # retrieve the counter
    graph <urn:counters> {<urn:Example> <urn:count> ?old}
    # compute the new value
    bind(?old+1 as ?new)  
    #construct the IRI
    bind(IRI(concat("", str(?old))) as ?iri) 
    ?s ?p ?bnode .

Which produces the following output.

        rr:logicalTable        <> ;
        rr:predicateObjectMap  <> ;
        rr:subjectMap          <> .

However I would like the output as follows.

        rr:logicalTable        <> ;
        rr:predicateObjectMap  <> ;
        rr:subjectMap          <> .

And the input graph is as follows.

@prefix rr:    <> .
        rr:logicalTable        [] ;
        rr:predicateObjectMap  [];
        rr:subjectMap []; 

Any help would be appreciated.


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