Spark SQL fails with "SQLCODE: <-25>:<Input encountered after end of query>" on intersystems cache DB JDBC read

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I am trying to connect to Intersystems Cache DB from databricks using spark JDBC reader API. Though I am able to connect , list columns for tables and run count on tables, I am not able to display data or process data . While displaying data for just a simple SELECT sql , I am getting below error :

 java.sql.SQLException: [SQLCODE: <-25>:<Input encountered after end of query>] --> Input (IDENTIFIER) encountered after end of query

I am using JDBC driver from


df= \
    .format("jdbc") \
    .option("url", "jdbc:Cache://<IP>:<Port>/<NameSpace>”) \
    .option("query", “select some_column from schema.table”) \
    .option("user”,<user>) \
    .option("password”,<pwd>) \
    .option('driver','com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver') \
df.columns # This works
df.count() # This works # This throws error

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