spamassasin config to score empty subject

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I am aware of how to set spamassasin to penalize (score) a mail containing a .ZIP file, which goes like this:

mimeheader MY_CNF_ZIP   Content-Type =~ /^application\/zip/
score      MY_CNF_ZIP   1.5

But I am not sure how to write a rule for empty subject (recently more and more spams with empty subject are received...)

Shall this be correct?:

header MY_CNF_EMPTYSUB    Subject =~ /^$/
score  MY_CNF_EMPTYSUB    1.5



There are 1 answers

Nic0 On

Yes this should work like a charm :)

For information, there is a MISSING_SUBJECT rule on SA which check if Subject header field is present are not. But not if present and empty ...