Source Tree: Not able to push to my remote repo in GitHub

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I'm working in a game in Unreal and my first commits where pushing without problem, then came a moment where was not possible anymore. This message is appearing after I try to push:

batch response: Bad credentials sourcetree

I'm tracking some files with LFS, I don't know if that have something to do. My last move trying to solve this problem (but not one of my best moves) was removing the remote repository path I was using and re-adding it, now the tag which indicates where my remote commits were no longer exists.

Another suspicion that I have is over my internet connection. I live in Venezuela, the internet is awful here and maybe the root of the problem is there along the big amount of data processed with LFS.

Please help!


There are 1 answers

Marina Liu On

To edit the username and password in SourceTree, you can use below way:

SourceTree -> Tools -> Options -> Authentication Tab.

  • If you only need to change the password for account, you can edit the item under Saved Passwords.

  • If you need to change both username and password, you can edit the item under Accounts. Then you can specify username and refresh password.

    enter image description here