I have a repeater and I'm using pagination. It works, but it does funny stuff with my sorting. First of all, if I press the Sort button, my pagination control shows up twice. Secondly, it paginates based on the default sort order. Any ideas what might be wrong?
protected void btnSort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Show_Data()
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PBRConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
string srtOrder = cboSortBy.Text;
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("select [ACCT_LIST].*, [ACCT_GRP_LIST].ACCT_GRP from [ACCT_LIST] LEFT JOIN [ACCT_GRP_LIST] on [ACCT_GRP_LIST].ACCT_GRP_PK = [ACCT_LIST].ACCT_GRP_FK ORDER BY " + srtOrder + "", con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
adp.Fill(ds, "TAcctList");
//Pagination code so only a set number of records loads at a time.
// Done to speed up the loading, since this list gets really long.
PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource();
pds.DataSource = ds.Tables["TAcctList"].DefaultView;
pds.AllowPaging = true;
pds.PageSize = 20;
int currentPage;
if (Request.QueryString["page"] != null)
currentPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["page"]);
currentPage = 1;
pds.CurrentPageIndex = currentPage - 1;
Label1.Text = "Page " + currentPage + " of " + pds.PageCount;
if (!pds.IsFirstPage)
MenuItem itemMessage = NavMenu.FindItem("First");
itemMessage.NavigateUrl = Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?page=1";
AcctRepeater.DataSource = pds;
CreatePagingControl(pds.PageCount, pds.CurrentPageIndex);
// End of Pagination code
And on the ASP.Net side, the button control looks like this:
<td width="150"><asp:DropDownList ID="cboSortBy" runat="server" Width="120">
<asp:ListItem Value="StatusText">Benefit Type</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="PRIORITY_RANK">Priority Rank</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="ACTIVE_FLG">Active Flag</asp:ListItem>
<td width="180"><asp:Button ID="btnSort" runat="server"
Text="Sort" Width="121px" onclick="btnSort_Click" /></td>
The pagination piece is new, but before it was added the sort functionality worked fine. And now the pagination piece works fine but the sort piece went wonky. I can't figure out which part of the pagination piece threw it out of whack.