I have a Web App that has a datatable where columns that do not have whitespace in the data sort fine, but columns that do have whitespace throw a javax.el.ELException / com.sun.el.parser.ParseException. e.g. Error Parsing: #{employee.Joe Bloggs}
To try to rule out my code I have set up a simpler example similar to https://www.logicbig.com/tutorials/misc/primefaces/data-table.html but the problem still persists
Is this a Primefaces limitation that you can not sort Strings that include whitespace? Or am I missing something?
<p:dataTable var="employee" value="#{employeeBean.employeeList}">
<p:column headerText="Name" sortBy="#{employee.name}" >
<h:outputText value="#{employee.name}"/>
Backing Bean
private List<Employee> employeeList = new ArrayList<Employee>(){{
add(new Employee(1L,"Joe Bloggs","1234","Address"));
add(new Employee(2L,"Test","1234","Address"));