Sorting Query Results by Title in Vapor-Fluent

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Query in Fluent, I'm attempting to sort the results by title in Danish language. The current code is functional, but it seems that characters like å, æ, and ø are not being sorted correctly. Does anyone have insights on how to address this issue?

// Attraction table
final class Attraction: Model, Content {
    static let schema = "attractions"

    @ID(key: .id)
    var id: UUID?

    @Field(key: FieldKeys.title)
    var title: String

    @OptionalField(key: FieldKeys.description)
    var description: String?

    init() { }

    init(id: UUID? = nil,
         title: String,
         description: String? = nil) { = id
        self.title = title
        self.description = description

extension Attraction {
    enum FieldKeys {
        static let title: FieldKey = "title"
        static let description: FieldKey = "description"

// create attraction
struct CreateAttraction: AsyncMigration {

    func prepare(on database: Database) async throws {
        try await database.schema(Attraction.schema)
            .field(Attraction.FieldKeys.title, .string, .required)
            .field(Attraction.FieldKeys.description, .string, .required)

    func revert(on database: Database) async throws {
        try await database.schema(Attraction.schema).delete()

// Add migration in configure file.

struct AttractionsController : RouteCollection {
    func boot(routes: RoutesBuilder) throws {

        routes.get("attractions", use: getAttractionsHandler)

    func getAttractionsHandler(_ req: Request) async throws -> [Attraction] {

        let attractions = try await .query(on: req.db)
            .sort(Attraction.FieldKeys.title)// here å, æ, and ø is not sorting proper way.

        return attractions



in this code i want to fix sorting danish special characters like å, æ, and ø.


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