Some Backround: ColdFusion9 MSAccess Database
I am trying to create a CFChart to compare data in a table labeled closed_tickets. I am comparing this year's data to previous year's data and would like to chart it by month.
I am querying the table and grabbing all data between the dates of 1/1/2012 and 12/31/2013, basically all of this year and last year. Here is that query.
<!---Query all closed tickets from this year and last year where closed_date GTE #Previous_Year# --->
<CFSET previous_year = #CREATEODBCDATETIME("1/1/2012")#>
<CFSET this_year = #CREATEODBCDATETIME("1/1/2013")#>
<cfquery name="get_closed_tickets" datasource="#datasource#">
select *
from closed_tickets
where closed_date >= #previous_year#
Total Records:#get_closed_tickets.recordcount#<br />
Then I perform a query of queries to spit the data into 2 years, this year and previous year:
<!---QoQ - Get Previous Year's Calls --->
<cfquery name="previous_year" dbtype="query">
select *
from get_closed_tickets
where closed_date >= #previous_year# AND closed_date < #this_year#
<!---QoQ - Get This Year's Calls --->
<cfquery name="this_year" dbtype="query">
select *
from get_closed_tickets
where closed_date >= #this_year#
2012 Records:<cfoutput>#previous_year.recordcount#</cfoutput><br />
2013 Records:<cfoutput>#this_year.recordcount#</cfoutput><br /><br />
My question is, I'd like to take this data and chart it using CFChart to compare the data from each year, by month. Ideally I'd like the have a chart that would compare January2012 next to January2013 and so on, for each month of the year.
How can this be done?
Thanks, Brian
Why won't you use SQL "group by"?
It should be something like this:
Another important thing. You shouldn't use
select *
in your queries. Always use columns names. It will increase performance if you don't actually need all of the columns in the database table.