I have a mini macOS app, presenting some data persisted in SwiftData on a Table.
I want to sort the data by clicking on Table's column headers so I have a KeyPathComparator
on the table.
But since the result of @Query
is get-only, I am not able to set sort of items.
Any suggestions?
Here is my table:
@Query private var items: [Product]
@State private var sortOrder = [KeyPathComparator(\Product.category?.name)]
var body: some View {
Table(items, sortOrder: $sortOrder) {
TableColumn("Category",value: \.category!.name)
TableColumn("Design", value: \.design!.name)
TableColumn("Market", value: \.market!.name)
TableColumn("Link", value: \.link)
.onChange(of: sortOrder, { oldValue, newValue in
items.sort(using: newValue) // ERROR: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'items' is a get-only property
As mentioned in the comments,
doesn't work that well together at least not when it comes to sorting. Here is one way to work around it by having a second array as a computed properties that gets sorted on theTable
's sort order parameter.If one uses the
Table(...) { ... } rows: {...}
form then you can skip the computed property and sort in theForEach
directlyI am not sure if it makes any difference performance/memory wise but it's a bit less code.