Sony Bravia websocket support?

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Our webapp uses websockets. When the page loads, we check for websocket support using:

if ('WebSocket' in window)

When we run the webapp on the Opera TV 3.4 emulator, we detect that websockets are available. When we run the webapp on a Sony Bravia KDL-50W829B, the websocket test fails.

Comparing the UserAgents, the Bravia KDL-50W829B version exceeds that of the emulator so we're expecting websockets to be available:

  • 3.4 emulator: Opera/9.80 (Linux i686; Opera TV Store/5449) Presto/2.12.362 Version/12.10
  • Bravia KDL-50W829B: Opera/9.80 (Linux armv7l; InettvBrowser/2.2 (00014A;SonyDTV140;0001;0001) KDL50W829B; CC/GBR) Presto/2.12.407 Version/12.50

According to these links, websockets should be available and enabled:

We've also found other posts where it's mentioned that websockets don't work on the Bravia browser (search for viewing panel via smart tv)

Any ideas ?



There are 1 answers

Scott Stensland On

outside the normal browser ... say from inside a web worker this works

if (! ("WebSocket" in self)) {

    throw new Error("ERROR - websocket not available");