I am using Jenkins and SONARQUBE PL/SQL plugin for Oracle SQL code analysis, I need to create Custom rules using XPATH for Quality Analysis of the SQL Script files that are sent for deployment over Jenkins.
I am trying to create a custom rule that detects if a semicolon (" ; ") is missing at the end of any SQL commands. SQL termination ("semicolon") is of importance for deploying SQL scripts with SQLPLUS.
example of code
insert into table_name values('wait','for','completion'); -- compliant with script
insert into table_name values('somename','for','good'); -- compliant with script
**insert into table_name values('someplace','for','game')** -- non compliant as semicolon missing
insert into table_name values('something','for','change'); -- compliant with script
delete from table_name ; -- compliant with script
delete from table_name ; -- compliant with script
update table_name set name='james' where id='22';
there is a insert query that is missing the semicolon , and hence sonarqube should detect this and fail the jenkins build or fail the SONAR Quality test.
please help creating the PLSQL custom rule for detecting correct SQL termination by semicolon.
example of xpath would be: /COMPILATION_UNIT/ANY_DML_EXPRESSION/following-sibling::SEMICOLON -- something like this
You could follow the guide "Create a plugin with custom rules", using the template project
.That is more complex than adding a rule to XPATH, but you would have more control.
But first, as illustrated in issue 21, do check that your code does not error with an "Unable to parse file" message.
Check that your case is not an optional semicolon one, as in "Semicolon is not required in
".Looking at that source code is a good way to check how the parser like sonarqube analysis detects compilation errors in the script file.