SonarLint 3.2.0 is not showing any Analysis report for C++ code

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I have installed SonarLint 3.2.0 plugin in Eclipse(Version: Neon.3 (4.6.3)).I have Java version 8. I have Eclipse CDT(C++).I have written a sample C++ program.From SonarLint I have bound my sample C++ project to a SonarQube project in a remote server. Now I have done the analysis in SonarLint but in the "SonarLint Report" nothing is geting displayed(0 items). I saw in the SonarLint console the below details.From the details I am guessing that may be the sonarlint is not able to recognize my C++ project.

Trigger: MANUAL
SonarLint analysis of file /hello2/src/hello2.cpp...
Wrote build info to: C:\Users\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\hello2\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core\sonarlint2463420270089611160\build-wrapper-dump.json
Connected mode (using configuration of 'TEST1' in server 'xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx')
Starting analysis with configuration:
  moduleKey: TEST1
  baseDir: C:\Users\workspace\hello2
  workDir: C:\Users\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\hello2\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core
  extraProperties: {sonar.cfamily.useCache=false,\Users\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\hello2\org.sonarlint.eclipse.core\sonarlint2463420270089611160}
  inputFiles: [

Available languages:
  * JavaScript => "js"
  * Java => "java"
Start analysis
Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to js: file:**/*.js,file:**/*.jsx,file:**/*.vue
Declared extensions of language Java were converted to java: file:**/*.java,file:**/*.jav
Quality profiles:
  * java: java-sonar-way-32683 (251 rules)
  * js: js-sonar-way-79496 (86 rules)
Index files
Language of file 'C:\Users\workspace\hello2\src\hello2.cpp' is set to 'cpp'
Setting filesystem encoding: UTF-8
1 files indexed
'JavaScript Squid Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
'JavaSquidSensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
Execute Sensor: SonarJavaXmlFileSensor
Found 0 issue(s)
Done in 32 ms

Is there any configuration issue with my Eclipse /SonarLint or the project from SonarQube Server??

When I created a sample java project in my Eclipse and just have done the analysis without binding the SonarQube remote server I got the below issues reported in SonarLint Report.

Resource    Date    Description    null    Complete the task associated to this TODO comment.    null    Rename this class name to match the regular expression '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.    null    Rename this package name to match the regular expression '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'.    null    Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.

But for C++ program SonarLint is not working I missing any setting/configuration in SonarLint/Sonarqube project?


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