We have set up sonar quality gate in our azure pipelines by using api key and using project_key as a paramater to fetch the quality gate status.
quality_gatesstatus=$(curl -u $sonar_token: https://$sonar_server/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey=$sonar_project_key | grep -Po '"status": *\K"[^"]*"')
Here in the above code we are fetching the quality status and storing it in quality_gatestatus variable and later using the same variable value and giving condition like:
if [ "$quality_gatesstatus" != "OK" ] && [ "$quality_gatesstatus" != "NONE" ]
echo "check sonar server and fix the issues"
exit 1
But we need in to run it on Pull requests i.e master/develop branch. So how to use "analysysid" or any PR_id to run it on our PRs. Anyone help me on this please.