I am using Icomoon in an application - I am having a problem with a small number of icons which will not display. I have downloaded all the icons via the Icomoon App and this is the latest version - all 450 are selected.
I have tried on just a blank page with no other CSS and they still don't work in case it was some CSS in my application causing it.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/icons/icomoon/style.css" media="screen" />
<i class="icon-user"></i> User
<i class="icon-bars"></i> Bars
<i class="icon-search"><i> Search
In the above, bars displays fine but user and search do not.
Here is my style.css file (truncated):
font-family: 'IcoMoon';
src:url('fonts/icomoon.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/icomoon.svg#IcoMoon') format('svg'),
url('fonts/icomoon.woff') format('woff'),
url('fonts/icomoon.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
[class*=" icon-"]
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 1;
[class*=" icon-"]:before
font-family: 'IcoMoon';
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
speak: none;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
.icon-users:before {
content: "\92";
.icon-bars:before {
content: "\b8";
.icon-search:before {
content: "\a0";
If I open up icomoon.svg (the only one I can "edit") then 92 and a0 are both there:
<glyph unicode="’" d="M734.994 154.626c-18.952 2.988-19.384 54.654-19.384 54.654s55.688 54.656 67.824 128.152c32.652 0 52.814 78.138 20.164 105.628 1.362 28.94 41.968 227.176-163.598 227.176-205.564 0-164.958-198.236-163.598-227.176-32.654-27.49-12.488-105.628 20.162-105.628 12.134-73.496 67.826-128.152 67.826-128.152s-0.432-51.666-19.384-54.654c-61.048-9.632-289.006-109.316-289.006-218.626h768c0 109.31-227.958 208.994-289.006 218.626zM344.054 137.19c44.094 27.15 97.626 52.308 141.538 67.424-15.752 22.432-33.294 52.936-44.33 89.062-15.406 12.566-27.944 30.532-35.998 52.602-8.066 22.104-11.122 46.852-8.608 69.684 1.804 16.392 6.478 31.666 13.65 45.088-4.35 46.586-7.414 138.034 52.448 204.732 23.214 25.866 52.556 44.46 87.7 55.686-6.274 64.76-39.16 140.77-166.454 140.77-205.564 0-164.958-198.236-163.598-227.176-32.654-27.49-12.488-105.628 20.162-105.628 12.134-73.496 67.826-128.152 67.826-128.152s-0.432-51.666-19.384-54.654c-61.048-9.634-289.006-109.318-289.006-218.628h329.596c4.71 3.074 9.506 6.14 14.458 9.19z" />
<glyph unicode=" " d="M992.262 88.604l-242.552 206.294c-25.074 22.566-51.89 32.926-73.552 31.926 57.256 67.068 91.842 154.078 91.842 249.176 0 212.078-171.922 384-384 384-212.076 0-384-171.922-384-384 0-212.078 171.922-384 384-384 95.098 0 182.108 34.586 249.176 91.844-1-21.662 9.36-48.478 31.926-73.552l206.294-242.552c35.322-39.246 93.022-42.554 128.22-7.356s31.892 92.898-7.354 128.22zM384 320c-141.384 0-256 114.616-256 256s114.616 256 256 256 256-114.616 256-256-114.614-256-256-256z" />
Additionally, in the demo html file created from the icomoon app all the icons from 7f (download) to a0 (search) show as blank - both the icons I am trying to use fall into this range.
Any idea why some will show but others will not?
Did you try the solutions proposed in previous stackoverflow answers?
IcoMoon icons not working in Internet Explorer 8
Why does one of these font-face render in IE8, but the others don't?
Also, see http://adactio.com/journal/6555/