basically I got some Symmetric TSP data from TSPLIB and then I try to build a path by first clustering the cities, building subtours for each cluster and then connecting the clusters. but the results I am getting for the complete Tour are extremely low compared to the optimal value. This leads me to believe that I have done something wrong but it is completely over my head, I have no idea why this is happening.
This is the data file 'Burma14':
1 16.47 96.10
2 16.47 94.44
3 20.09 92.54
4 22.39 93.37
5 25.23 97.24
6 22.00 96.05
7 20.47 97.02
8 17.20 96.29
9 16.30 97.38
10 14.05 98.12
11 16.53 97.38
12 21.52 95.59
13 19.41 97.13
14 20.09 94.55
I read this data from the file and produce a city object for each point.
Then I produce Individuals. These are basically subpaths the are randomly created from the available cities. An individual travel between two cities e.g. City1 -> City2.
I then build the path, which is basically the solution to the TSP.
First, clusters are generated as follows:
1 cluster cities [City_3, City_4]
2 cluster cities [City_1, City_8, City_9, City_11, City_2, City_10]
3 cluster cities [City_5, City_6, City_12]
4 cluster cities [City_7, City_13, City_14]
Then the subtours are created for each cluster as follows:
SubTour: | [[City_4, City_3]] |
Cost: 2.445178930058085
SubTour: | [[City_10, City_9], [City_9, City_11], [City_11, City_8], [City_8, City_1], [City_1, City_2]] |
Cost: 6.29233886113867
SubTour: | [[City_12, City_6], [City_6, City_5]] |
Cost: 4.107068449867602
SubTour: | [[City_14, City_7], [City_7, City_13]] |
Cost: 3.5647520864865525
These subtours are then connected to form a Complete Tour as follows:
Complete Tour: [| [[City_14, City_7], [City_7, City_13]] |, | [[City_12, City_6], [City_6, City_5]] |, | [[City_4, City_3]] |, | [[City_2, City_1], [City_1, City_8], [City_8, City_11], [City_11, City_9], [City_9, City_10]] |]
Complete Tour Cost: 34.92630477283413
This is how I calculate the Euclidean Distance:
public static double calculateDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){
double xDistance = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
double yDistance = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
double distance = Math.sqrt( (xDistance*xDistance) + (yDistance*yDistance) );
return distance;
I really really cannot understand why my optimal cost is 34.92630477283413 but the optimal cost on this site for burma14 is 3323. I have tried ulysses16 data set (from the some website) and I still have the same problem. I really do appreciate any sort of help of guidance.
Thank you.