Solrnet query for Minimum Should Match(mm)

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I am working on Solr version 4.10.2 with ASP.NET MVC.

I have performed one query in Solr like this:



I have performed a query with queryoptions like below:

options = new QueryOptions
                                Rows = pageSize,
                                Start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize,
                                FilterQueries = _solrQuery.ToArray(),                        
                                Facet = new FacetParameters
                                    Queries = _solr.ToArray(),
                                    MinCount = 1,
                                ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string> 
                                    {"qt", "edismax"},
                                SpellCheck = new SpellCheckingParameters { Query = keyword, Collate = true },

Then I use this options with below query in which I use LocalParams. Is there any mistake? Is LocalParams and ExtraParams works together?

private static ISolrOperations<MyClass> solr;                        
SolrQueryResults<MyClass> Results = new SolrQueryResults<MyClass>();   
Results = solr.Query(new LocalParams { { "type", "edismax" }, { "qf", "Name^" + nameWeight + "  Field1^" + Field1Weight + "  Field2^" + Field2Weight " }, { "bq", "InStock:true^"+ flag }} + new SolrQuery(keyword), options);

How can I achieve this from my application using SolrNet? Using which parameter?

Please Advice!


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