- I'm using Solr4.4.
- I'm using DIH with RDBMS
I need to set a different weight (boost) at each value of a field (with multivalued=true). In particular, I have a field (text - with multivalued=true) and a float value different for each text, and I would to set that float value as boost at each text of the field.
id - 1
myText: "iphone ipad", "iphone", "ipad"
myFloatValue: 2.3, 4.1, 1.6
In my db-dataimport.xml file
<entity name="item"
query="SELECT myText,
FROM myTable
WHERE myCondition" >
<field name="myText" column="myText" boost="${item.myFloatValue}" />
It return an error:
org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandlerException: Data Config problem: For input string: "{$places.distance_place}"
I also tried to set in my query a Cast:
SELECT myText,
CAST(myFloatValue AS DECIMAL(10,6)) as myFloatValue
FROM myTable
WHERE myCondition
I hope that is clear my situation. Thanks in advance.