Solr capacity to handle delta import frequency

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I wanted to arrange a system where a new item gets indexed in Solr as soon as it is created in db system, to avoid a few minutes delay of the time based delta polling. So I tweaked the delta import a little and made it work based on a query parameter. In my c# code, when a new item is saved, I construct a deltaimport url and pass the newsid to be indexed and invoke it by httpwebrequest. It then uses the delta query to fetches the details from the db and index it.


This works as expected. But now, the issue comes when the flow of the news gets higher, say 5 news at a time. The url is hit by the code for each item in a loop, but it is so fast that it is observed that one (first) or sometimes 2 items gets indexed only. Rest are missed.

So, I believe that Solr can't handle multiple hits for delta in nearly same time. How can I overcome this situation?


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