I'm having a problem using Rails with Solidus where rails generate spree:install
is giving me an error in terminal that says Could not find generator 'spree:install'. Maybe you meant 'devise:install', 'responders:install' or 'spree:dummy'
I have rails, ruby 2.7.1, ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 and sqlite3 3.31.1 running on ubuntu 20.04 lts. I'm trying to install Solidus 2.10
I followed the documentation and added the solidus gem and solidus_auth_devise gem in my Gemfile and ran bundle before running the generator but I still have this problem. I also tried following the github solution (https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/issues/3752) for this, it still doesn't work. I put the whole error below in a bitbucket code snippet... I'd appreciate any help.
According to solidus readme - currently the generator is called
, so useupd: verified with exact versions of rails and solidus on ruby 2.7.2, bug does not appear in
.Try stopping spring (spring stop) and cleaning bootsnap cache (
rm -rf tmp/cache/bootsnap-*
), looks like some stale code