I have problem for attaching social login. I have tried google login on local, it was fine. But when I try for deploy, Non-public domain is not supported. I`m not sure *.link is non-public domain, but it did not work for some reason. So I am trying to do github login, but I have following errors.. There is callback URL mismatch, but I don't know which URL should I use.
Im using on Github this URL : https://taeheejo.link/user/githubin/github/login/callback/
path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
path('user/', include('authy.urls')),
path('sub/', include('tier.urls')),
path('login/', authViews.LoginView.as_view(template_name='registration/login.html'), name='login'),
path('githubin/', include('allauth.urls')),
And Here is an Error..
I have added on admin pannel sitename and application too..
Can someone please tell me which part am I missing?
I was suffering from this issue, at the end I found that I was missing redirect urls from my developer account. These are some key points to do it correctly: Make sure you have added correct
redirect and logout url
. And then make sure you have addedCLIENT SECRET and API KEY
correctly in django-admin panel.And don't forget to add sites from django-admin panel.