SoapUI teststep or groovy can't consume big messages from Weblogic JMS queues through hermes

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I have a testCase that has a mockresponse test step and the endpoint is reading from a weblogic jms queue jms://WLS::-::queue_SouthboundOutboundQueue .

When the message from weblogic reaches '10000000' bytes this test step stops consuming the message in the running of the testcase.

Tried reading the queue from a groovy script like this :

def jmsEndPoint = new JMSEndpoint("jms://WLS::-::queue_SouthboundOutboundQueue");
def hermes = HermesUtils.getHermes(context.testCase.testSuite.project, jmsEndPoint.sessionName);
def jmsConnectionHolder = new JMSConnectionHolder(jmsEndPoint,hermes,false,null,null,null);
Session session = jmsConnectionHolder.getSession();
Queue queue = jmsConnectionHolder.getQueue(jmsConnectionHolder.getJmsEndpoint().getReceive());
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
Message message = null;
def count = 0;
while((message = consumer.receiveNoWait()) != null){
    //error happens here when it is consumed

Error thrown by groovy when reading big messages

enter image description here

weblogic.jms.common.JMSException: weblogic.messaging.dispatcher.DispatcherException: weblogic.rjvm.PeerGoneException: ; nested exception is: weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size: '10000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of: '10000000' bytes for protocol: 't3' error at line: 22

PS: Weblogic is working with big messages because I added the -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=2000000000 to it. Also tried adding this parameter on soapui and hermes sh and bat starter files but nothing worked.


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