snowflake copy into table from S3

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I am trying to do a simple import of an ASCII file in S3 to a snowflake table. The number of columns in the ASCCI file is the same as the number of columns in the table. I got this to work yesterday using an internal stage in Snowflake, but doing it from S3 doesn't seem to work. Here is what I did:

  create or replace stage irdb_demo url='s3://irdbgenericdemodata'
  credentials=(aws_key_id='???' aws_secret_key='???');

  list @irdb_demo;

It returns one row: 1 s3://irdbgenericdemodata/PAM_PORTFOLIOS.CSV

I can type: select t.$1, t.$2,t.$3,t.$4 from @irdb_demo t;

and it returns the 26 rows that I expect, such as:

PAM 100 "GIC" "Mod Scn Act/Act" etc.

I give it the commands:

create or replace file format mycsvformat
type = 'CSV'
field_delimiter = ','
skip_header = 1

copy into Portfolios 
from @irdb_demo pattern='PAM_Portfolios.csv'

the result is:

Copy executed with 0 files processed.

When I type:

select * from;

I get no rows in the result.

if I type: select * from irdb_generic.information_schema.load_history

I get no results from today.

What am I doing wrong with the command:

copy into Portfolios 
from @irdb_demo pattern='PAM_Portfolios.csv'

10/12/2020 update.

Snowflake support said the syntax should be:

copy into Portfolios from @irdb_demo pattern='.PAM_Portfolios.csv.' file_format=mycsvformat;

This should resolve the issue.


There are 2 answers

Abhi Reddy On

To load just a specific file, you would need to use a FILES option rather than a pattern.


copy into load1 from @load1/
files=('test1.csv', 'test2.csv');

Reference: copy_into

Simon D On

When you use pattern in your copy into statement, it tries to do the match on the entire file prefix and not just the prefix relative to the directory you have specified in your stage. So for your example the following will work since the pattern is matching against irdbgenericdemodata/PAM_Portfolios.csv and not just /PAM_Portfolios.csv:

copy into Portfolios 
from @irdb_demo pattern='.*PAM_Portfolios.csv'

I wouldn't really recommend this approach since if you have many files in your bucket it could take quite a while to match against every file. Instead, you could do something like this:

copy into Portfolios 
from @irdb_demo/PAM_Portfolios.csv

Or, as Abhi mentioned, you could use the files command to list them explicitly relative to the stage's location.