'Smart' way to include the same HTML in multiple TPL files?

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Im using the same HTML (below) in multiple views TPL files. Its used to make my own custom pager work with JavaScript.

At the moment im creating a TPL file for each view and then adding the full markup every time. This isnt great from a maintenance point of view as if I need to alter the HTML I will need to do so for every instance.

Is there a 'smarter' way to do this? For instance can I create a new TPL file to house this HTML and call the file in each views TPL file when I need it?

  <div class="picThumb">
    <div class="picThumb-inner">
      <div class="picThumb-trig picThumb-trigLeft">Previous</div>
      <div class="picThumb-trig picThumb-trigP1">1</div>
      <div class="picThumb-trig picThumb-trigP2">2</div>
      <div class="picThumb-trig picThumb-trigRight">Next</div>

There are 2 answers

tonystar On

The best option here — is to register a custom template via hook_theme():

 * Implements hook_theme().
function THEME_OR_MODULE_theme() {
  return array(
    'custom_template'  => array(
      'template' => 'custom-template',
      'variables' => array(),

Then put your custom HTML in the custom-template.tpl.php file.

Then you can "include" it anywhere using theme() function:

<?php print theme('custom_template') ?>
Mikael On

Is it what you are looking for?

Drupal - Render a sub view/partial within template