Hi I am using the bridges2 supercomputer in PSC for running jobs, when I am trying to submit the job using the script below, I am getting the error
sbatch: error: Allocation requested cores/tasks must be in quarter increments of EM node resources (24, 48, 72, 96)
sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Access/permission denied
#SBATCH --job-name=Job_3
#SBATCH -t 5-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-user [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type FAIL
#SBATCH --error=/jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1/err/Job_3.err
#SBATCH --output=/jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1/out/Job_3.out
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
cd /jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1/application1/512; /jet/home/xyz/install/codes-swm/bin/model-net-mpi-replay --sync=1 --workloa
d_type=online --workload_conf_file=/jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/workconf/application1-512.all --alloc_file=/jet/home/xyz/sdn_resul
t/allocfiles/512-single.alloc --lp-io-dir=/jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1/application1/512/lpio-sdn -- /jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/
netconf/512-sdn.conf &> /jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1/application1/512/output-sdn; cd /jet/home/xyz/sdn_result/run1
Please kindly let me know how can I resolve the error.
The use of the EM partition on Bridges-2 is well documented in the PSC documentation at:
(under Partitions in The TOC, select "For EM allocations"). This includes instructions on job constraints:
Jobs in the EM partition
They also have example job submission scripts you can follow. In your case, you need to change the
-n 1
option to an option that is either 24, 48, 72 or 96.I would suggest reading the documentation carefully for HPC systems you are using as systems at large centres such as PSC are usually very well described and have all the information you need to be able to use them.