I am trying to return 204 HTTP
code on users /logout
request. As I have discovered this code signals that server has processed request successfully, but no response required.
I am checking this response on mobile device, not exactly I but OkHTTP library in my case.
And it throws an exception if Content-Length
is not 0. I have tried to send it via chrome extension and get following response
Response does not contain any data.
So seems to be no response but Content-Length:5.
So I am very confused about this, I have captured packets via WireShark and here is result
Here is my simple code for handling request
$app = new \Slim\Slim();
$app->add(new \TokenAuth());
$app->put('/test204', function () use ($app) {
All seems to by fine, I have no idea where this garbage is set.
Please help to solve the problem,because I cannot receive valid response on client app and just ignoring exception is not solution for this problem.
Sorry the problem was not with Slim Framework. I am newbie and didn't know that even special characters comming after
will go to the output as plain html text.I have to delete all spaces, tabs and other characters after the end of php scripts.
To find files that ends with new line use following bash command.
I wonder maybe there any way to make apache to skip empty characters, new lines and other garbage at the on of file.