Slidify - subscript out of bounds error while converting Rmd file

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I created a very simple index.Rmd file. After running solidify("index.Rmd") I got the following:

|.................................................................| 100% ordinary text without R code output file:

Copying files to libraries/frameworks/io2012... Copying files to libraries/highlighters/highlight.js... Error in x[[element]] : subscript out of bounds

Totally lost about what to do next.

I tried opening the .md file in RStudio and then selecting the "preview html" button. I received this error:

Error in x[[element]] : subscript out of bounds
Calls: <Anonymous> ... FUN -> get_assets -> unlist -> sapply -> lapply -> FUN
Execution halted

I should add to the above, that I tried opening the .md file in RStudio and then selecting the "preview html" button. I received this error:

Error in x[[element]] : subscript out of bounds Calls: ... FUN -> get_assets -> unlist -> sapply -> lapply -> FUN > Execution halted

EDIT: I was trying to embed a shiny application. I was able to get the presentation working fine when I abandoned that attempt and eliminated bot the embedded application and the YAML tags for shiny. I will start the process from scratch and see if I can find the root cause of the issue - but it is clearly linked to my attempt at embedding shiny.


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