I'm working with ionic 3. I've more than 750 mobile images in db. I'm getting one image at a time to show in ion-card in ion-slides. I want next image when i swipe to next and same with the previous image. I tried to get mobile Ids and then i created an array and initialized it upto this mobile Id.
public navParams: NavParams,
private backend: BackendProvider
console.log('id get from list', navParams.data); //this is the id of current mobile image.
this.phoneId = navParams.data;
for(let index = 0; index <= navParams.data; index++)
this.idArray[index] = index; //initializing array here.
console.log('id arrays', this.idArray);
//@params: getMobilesData(limit, searchtype => id, id => in string)
this.backend.getMobilesData(1, 'id', this.phoneId.toString()).then((res) =>
console.log('phone details on init', this.phoneId);
this.slides.slideTo(this.phoneId); // moved to required slide using id
this.mobile = JSON.parse(res.data).data[0]; //here the data with image
this.isLoading = false;
}).catch((error) =>
Here's html file
//here using ionSlideDidChange event
<ion-slides (ionSlideDidChange)="slideChanged($event)" cancelable=false>
<ion-slide *ngFor="let id of idArray> //iteraing in array
<ion-spinner *ngIf="isLoading" name="ripple"></ion-spinner>
<ion-card *ngIf="!isLoading">
//Here mobileImagesURL => request url
//id => id from IdArray
//mobile.thumbnail => mobile image
<img class="set-img" [src]="mobileImagesURL + id + '/' + mobile.thumbnail">
So that if I swipe to previous *ion-slide**. I'll get data using mobile id.
When I swipe to next ion-slide I push the mobile id first in array in (ionSlideDidChange) event to increase th size of array then send request for the mobile image.
console.log('slide change event in getimage', event);
if(event.swipeDirection == 'next')
//increasing phoneId and pushing in idArray.
console.log('pushing mobile id', this.phoneId);
else if(event.swipeDirection == 'prev')
this.phoneId--; // decreasing it if
console.log('id array', this.idArray);
this.backend.getMobilesData(1, 'id', this.idArray[this.phoneId].toString()).then((res) =>
if(JSON.parse(res.data).totalCount != 0)
this.mobile = JSON.parse(res.data).data[0];
console.log('current mobile data', this.mobile);
console.log('current mobile id', this.idArray[this.phoneId]);
this.isLoading = false;
this.noData = true;
this.noData = false;
}).catch((error) =>
}[![here's the image][1]][1]
It causes 2 problems:
First: I can't skip iteration in ngFor if mobile id is missing in db. because ngFor doesn't allow that. I tried to use custom Pipe. But i don't have good grip on Pipes.
Second: When I swipe ion-slides it updates the array with mobile id. But it have to swipe twice to changes the ion-slide.
I need solutions to my both problems... If anyone have some other suggestions, i'll be thankful to him/her.
i hope i cleared myself. If anything i missed here or you don't understand my requirement fully. Kindly notify me.