I've written a c program that's supposed to slice a file into chunks with Rabin Karp algorithm. This is an adaptation of a c# program that you can find Here.
It seems to work, but a problem remains. average chunks size is not what is expected.
Usage is as follows:
rabin Prime WindowSize BoundaryMarker File
where :
Rabin is the name of the executable.
Prime is a high prime number. For instance 100007
WindowSize is the size of rolling window. For instance 48
BoundaryMarker is the number of bits set to 0 in a fingerprint
File is the file to process
if I set BoundaryMarker to 13, I expect the average chunk size to be 8K. in fact, none of them are around 8K.
I've hard time figuring out what's going wrong with my program ? Can you help me ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
unsigned char* buffer;
int windowSize;
int writePointer = 0;
int readPointer = 0;
int dataSize = 0;
unsigned char PushChar(unsigned char c)
{ if (++writePointer >= windowSize) writePointer=0;
unsigned char PopChar(void)
{ if (++readPointer >= windowSize) readPointer=0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ int fd;
unsigned char c;
unsigned long Q;
unsigned long D=256;
unsigned long pow=1;
int i,k,boundary,boundaryMarker,index;
unsigned char s;
if (argc != 5)
{ printf("\nUsage : rabin Prime WindowSize BoundaryMarker File\n\nwhere :\n");
printf("Prime is a high prime number. For instance 100007\n\n");
printf("WindowSize is the size of rolling window. For instance 48\n\n");
printf("BoundaryMarker is the number of bits set to 0 in a fingerprint\n\n");
printf("File is the file to process\n\n");
for(i=1,boundary=1;i<=boundaryMarker;i++) boundary=boundary*2;
boundary --;
//printf("Q = %lu windowSize = %d boundary = %d\n",Q,windowSize,boundary);
if ((buffer=(unsigned char*) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char)*windowSize))==NULL) return(1);
for (k=1; k < windowSize; k++) pow=(pow*D)%Q;
//printf("pow value %lu\n",pow);
unsigned long sig=0;
int lastIndex=0;
if ((fd=open(argv[4],O_RDONLY))<0) exit(1);
for (i=0; i <windowSize; i++)
{ read(fd,&c,1);
sig=(sig*D + (unsigned long)c) %Q;
//printf("sig value = %lu\n",sig);
index=0; lastIndex=0;
while (read(fd,&c,1))
//printf("sig = ( %lu + %lu - %lu * %lu %% %lu ) %lu",sig,Q,pow,(unsigned long) s,Q,Q);
sig = (sig + Q - pow*(unsigned long)s%Q)%Q;
//printf(" = %lu\n",sig);
//printf("sig2 = ( %lu * %lu + %lu ) %% %lu",sig,D,(unsigned long) s,Q);
sig = (sig*D + (unsigned long)s)%Q;
//printf(" = %lu\n",sig);
if ((sig & boundary )==0)
{ if (index - lastIndex >= 2048)
{ printf("sig & boundary = %lu & %lu Index=%d chunk size=%d\n",sig,boundary,index,index-lastIndex);
else if (index -lastIndex >=65536)
{ printf("sig & boundary = %lu & %lu Index=%d chunk size=%d\n",sig,boundary,index,index-lastIndex);
printf("Index=%d chunk size=%d\n",index,index-lastIndex);
return 1;
You can try to update the BoundaryMarker value, you can get the different lengths. I have use RB in this way:github link. And I think length actually rely on contents.