I have a moderation cog, it is loaded correctly but the slash commands aren't visible, while every listener on the cog works
Here is a command I wrote in moderation cog:
class Moderation(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
servers = ["My serv Id here"]
@commands.slash_command(name="clear", guild_ids=servers)
async def clear_cmd(self, ctx, number: discord.Option(discord.SlashCommandOptionType.integer, required=True)):
await ctx.channel.purge(limit=number)
I don't see this command when i type "/" on discord, I only see the ones i wrote in the main.py file, the load function is correctly called and when i tried to add a Cog.listener
in the moderation cog, it was working. Also, the on_ready
listener doesn't work in the cog.