I am attempting to load files to a slack channel automatically from a server via the API, but I'm running up against the 1MB limit for snippets. Is there a way to use file.upload to post files as either hosted or post?
Here's the curl command I'm testing with:
curl -F file=$FILE_PATH -F channels=$CHANNEL_ID \
-F token=$TOKEN -F filename=$SLACK_FILE_NAME \
This successfully posts the file to the channel, but the mode is snippet which means it's not a particularly elegant looking interface in slack and subject to the very small 1MB limit.
When posting the file through the API here is the response that I am getting back (with potentially sensitive information sanitized):
"mode":"snippet", ###### This is where I see the mode snippet through APIs, in channel it appears as a snippet as well ######
"preview_highlight":"<div class=\"CodeMirror cm-s-default CodeMirrorServer\" oncopy=\"if(event.clipboardData){event.clipboardData.setData('text\/plain',window.getSelection().toString().replace(\/\\u200b\/g,''));event.preventDefault();event.stopPropagation();}\">\n<div class=\"CodeMirror-code\">\n<div><pre>FILE_DATA<\/pre><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n",