I'm use latest skywalking agent(currently is 8.13.0), found trace span NOT reported for grpc 1.43.2 or 1.51.0 but reports for java-grpc 1.29.0 version.
- The app test source code is offical java-grpc example project:
- invoke example's gRPC SayHello and watch the application tracing result in wkywalking web page.
With some research, found NettyClientStreamInstrumentation use fixed version for grpc netty 1.33.0
* Intercept constructor to obtain server IP.
* grpc Low version(eg:1.6.0): use io.grpc.netty.NettyClientStream.
* grpc High version(eg:1.33.1): use io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.grpc.netty.NettyClientStream.
public class NettyClientStreamInstrumentation extends ClassInstanceMethodsEnhancePluginDefine {
But I'm not sure if it make effect for trace report.
There are some questions hope consult:
- Is the code limit grpc report?
- which java-grpc version support has tested?
- how can I make sure the agent report or not report trace span?
I am not following. Are you upgrading the gRPC dependency in agent codebase?