SKTMainView.h file not found

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I've implemented both SKMaps and SDKTools exactly the way it is described in your docs, step by step in Swift without CocoaPods. However I cannot get the tools to work. I have compared my project to the Swift Demo Project and I cannot find any differences.

The tools' docs don't say anything about a bridging header file that is needed, but since the demo project uses one, I copied it. After that, when I try to build my project I get the following error message:

SDKTools/Navigation/SKTNavigationManager.h:16:9: 'SKTMainView.h' file not found

Has anyone encountered the same problem or has any idea on how to fix this? Sidenode: Xcode asked me to replace all < with double quotes for the import to work in my bridging file.

Any help is much appreciated.


There are 3 answers

GMon On

I implemented using Cocoapods and had the same issue. The only way I could get it to work was to remove the first parts and only put the following in my bridging file

#import "SKTNavigationManager.h"
GrayFox On

I already faced up to this error! This may happen when header search path is not well configured. Especially, if you didn't switch the PROJECT_DIR line in "recursive" instead of "non-recursive"enter image description here

With this header search path configuration, SDKTools must be at same level than your .xcodeproj file enter image description here

Hope this could help !!

SylviA On

Make sure that in Build Settings the following options are correct:

  • Objective-C Bridging Header
  • Objective-C Generated Interface Header Name
  • Header Search Paths (you must add "${PROJECT_DIR}/SDKTools" if the SDKTools folder is in the project folder, or "${PROJECT_DIR}/../SDKTools" if it is at the same level)

You can find here a demo project.