I am working on processing 3D meshes using PyMesh. pip install pymesh2
has build error. Hence I installed from another release from the official github page. I am using pymesh2-0.3-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
I installed scikit-learn using pip install. Both installed successfully in my system.
While importing them, I observed something strange.
While importing Pymesh and Sklearn. Pymesh imported correctly. Sklearn is not
While importing Sklearn and Pymesh. Sklearn imported correctly. Pymesh is not
Seems like these two packages are conflicting each other!
Can someone help me what is the issue and any possible resolution?
Sklearn and Pymesh import causes conflicts
159 views Asked by Ajinkya Ambatwar At
As suggested in the comments, I used conda instead of virtual env and pip installed the pymesh using the wheel file from the github. That worked well for me!