Skip & Top parameters do not pass to the backend

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Submitting the request below from to my Server having put a break-point at the beginning of my GET_ENTITYSET method (just pay attention to the skip/top params at the beginning)

GET AgreementsSet?$skip=0&$top=10&$filter=(AgrStatid%20eq%20%27002%27%20or%20AgrStatid%20eq%20%27003%27)%20and%20(StartDate%20ge%20datetime%272014-01-01T00%3a00%3a00%27%20or%20StartDate%20le%20datetime%272020-09-28T00%3a00%3a00%27)%20and%20(LastActDate%20ge%20datetime%272014-01-01T00%3a00%3a00%27%20or%20LastActDate%20le%20datetime%272020-09-28T00%3a00%3a00%27)

At the beginning of the method both IS_PAGING-TOP and IS_PAGING-SKIP are 0 (io_tech_request_context->get_top( )/get_skip( ) bring back the same result). Trying the exact request by copy/paste (just removed the GET and concatenated with my initial path) using Gateway Client and IS_PAGING-TOP is 10 as expected.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,



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