We are developing interactive audiobooks for voice and have problems with some of our continuations with google assistant.
Example: In our story "Das tapfere Schneiderlein", the user hast to decide if he wants "Pflaumenmus" (plum butter) or "Apfelmus" (apple puree).
- In the Test-console, everything works fine, both answers lead to the correct audio.
- BUT with Google Assistant on Mobile device, only Pflaumenmus works. If I answer "Apfelmus", the action leaves conversations and opens Apple puree recipes with Google search. (see example image below, it's German, but still understandable I guess)
As we can never now, what our customers might answer, how can we prevent this from happening? (We are using Actions Builder.)
This might be a result of an update regarding the Google Assistant Actions fallback intent behavior change that we announced on October 15/2020.
Follow the message from Google to make it work as you expect: