Sizing Konva image to full width of parent element

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I have a react component that overlays a circle on to an image when the image is clicked. I am unable to find a good way to size the image, as it seems to only takes pxl as an value. I would like to make it the full width of the parent <Col> element. I am using react-konva and react-bootstrap.

import { PageHeader, Grid, Row, Col, 
ListGroup, ListGroupItem, Table, Panel, 
ButtonToolbar, Button, Modal, FormGroup, FormControl, HelpBlock, ControlLabel} 
from 'react-bootstrap';

import {BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn} from 'react-bootstrap-table';
import {Stage, Layer, Rect, Line, Image, Circle} from 'react-konva';

                <PageHeader>System Boards<small> {}</small></PageHeader>
                <Col md={6}>
                    <Stage height="100" width="100">
                              onClick={ (event) => {
                              onTap={ (event) => {
                <Col md={6}>

There are 2 answers

bennygenel On

You can use react-bootsrap Media Content for image sizing. You shoud have a non displaying version of the image out of canvas so when you click on thumbnail you can change the visibility.

lavrton On

You can read Col size in componentDidMount and then update state of you component with required size for the image. Something like this:

componenentDidMount() {
    // you can add class or id to Col to find it in the DOM
    const colEl = document.querySelector('.col-selector');
        imageWidth: colEl.offsetWidth,
        imageHeight: colEl.offsetHeight,

Probably you will need to do the same on window resize.