Sitecore Single Language Publish in multilingual Sitecore Environment

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Is there any way to publish items in sitecore for some specific language that we get from API associated with the item?

Language[] languages = new Language[] { LanguageManager.GetLanguage("en") };
Sitecore.Publishing.PublishManager.PublishSmart(master, targetDbs, languages);

I have three language in Sitecore Env Here but I want one item to publish for just "en" language and other for just "en-ca" and other for just "fr-ca".


There are 1 answers

Hishaam Namooya On

You need to make use of the PublishItem method and proceed as follows:

  1. Get the items that needs to be published.
  2. Get the language versions of each item to know in which language the items need to be published.

Sample Code

//Get your Item list here
var itemList = GetItemList();

//Loop in the Item list to get the languages
//Publish the item based on the languages
foreach (var item in itemList)
    var languageVersions = item.Languages;

    Sitecore.Publishing.PublishManager.PublishItem(item, targetDb, languageVersions, true, false);
