Sitecore link with icon

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Hi I want to design link button with icon. When I click on link button or icon it will navigate to the url. For that I used the below code. It is giving me the link with icon next to the link. What I want is icon first and after that link button

@Html.Sitecore().BeginField("ReturnLink", new { @class = "link-arrow" })
<i class="icon">


<a class="link-arrow" href="">Back To Internet
                <i class="icon">
                    <img src="xxx.jpg">

Back To Internet

Please help me how to display the icon first and then link next to icon like below Icon before Back to Internet text


There are 1 answers

Jan Bluemink On

One way to have control over the link rendering is to build the HTML self. For this you must obtain the URL and the text of the LinkField.


Example In Razor

@using Sitecore.Data.Fields
@using Sitecore.Data.Items

@functions { 
public static string GetLinkUrl( Item item, string fieldName)
        var linkField = (LinkField) item.Fields[fieldName];
            if (linkField == null)
                return string.Empty;
            switch (linkField.LinkType.ToLower())
                case "internal":
                    // Use LinkMananger for internal links, if link is not empty
                    return linkField.TargetItem != null ? Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(linkField.TargetItem) : string.Empty;
                case "media":
                    // Use MediaManager for media links, if link is not empty
                    return linkField.TargetItem != null
                               ? Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(linkField.TargetItem)
                               : string.Empty;
                case "external":
                    // Just return external links
                    return linkField.Url;
                case "anchor":
                    // Prefix anchor link with # if link if not empty
                    return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkField.Anchor) ? "#" + linkField.Anchor : string.Empty;
                case "mailto":
                    // Just return mailto link
                    return linkField.Url;
                case "javascript":
                    // Just return javascript
                    return linkField.Url;
                    // Just please the compiler, this
                    // condition will never be met
                    return linkField.Url;


    LinkField linkfield = Sitecore.Context.Item.Fields["ReturnLink"];


<a href="@GetLinkUrl(Sitecore.Context.Item, "ReturnLink")">
    <i class="icon">

Of course you can better place the function in a helper class or do things in the controller.