Sitecore BrightCove Installation Issue

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On Installing Brightcove on Sitecore,Import action is not seen and the templates from bright cove is also not seen as per the installation document.

Details are as below:

Sitecore Installed: Sitecore 7.1 rev. 130926.exe

Packages Installed: Sitecore Media Framework 1.2 rev. Sitecore Media Framework Brightcove Edition 1.2 rev.

Below is the screen shot after installation enter image description here

Any Idea on why I am not able to see these??


There are 2 answers


You need to create an account before you see any of those things. The process of adding an account is in chapter 3 of the administrators guide.

Vlad Shpak On
  1. Select item /sitecore/media library/Media Framework/Accounts
  2. Through insert option click Brightcove Account
  3. In popup window give the appropriate name or use default name
  4. In the created brightcove account item set the following fields (Publisher Id, Read Token, Write Token)

Now under Media Framework ribbon you can do Import, Cleanup, Export. But you can do Import and Cleanup if Brightcove account item or items under this account are selected, in other case, these two buttons will be disabled.